There are 3 things you need to know before travailing to Cuba


The line between an exquisite vacation and a tour catastrophe is very skinny.

Traveling to Cuba isn’t always like touring to different nations. While every u. S. In particular, Cuba has an idiosyncratic culture inspired by decades of US embargo (recognized regionally as El Bloqueo) and rule by the Communist Party. Tourists had been traveling the united states for years. Still, it’s far only lately that Americans have joined the fray thanks to the reopening of diplomatic members of the family between the US and Cuba in 2014.
With Trump threatening to undo the Obama-initiated re-opening of Cuba, I visited the island remaining yr. By the quit of my 10-day stay, I observed that I picked up some suggestions before leaving, and while inside the united states of America had been the distinction between a superb excursion and a travel catastrophe.

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1. Be prepared to anticipate the whole thing
1. Be organized to watch for everything

One aspect that Cuban tradition may great be recognized for — aside from salsa tune and cigars — it’s long lines. There are traces for the whole thing: A-line for customs, a line for the bank, a line to buy the net, a line to apply the bathroom, a line for the bus. Most matters that you want or want to do in Cuba require ready, particularly if it involves the government.

Cubans are so used to waiting in traces that they’ve even devised a clever system to make it greater bearable. When you arrive at the financial institution or bakery or anyplace else you need to attend, first ask, “Who’s final in line?” (satisfactory to ask in Spanish: Quien es el último?) Whoever is last will immediately let you know. You go in the back of them, call out el último, and now you’re the closing in line.

When a new man or woman arrives and becomes el último, you are now loose to wander. So long as you’re again before it’s your turn in line, everybody will allow you to take your place. Don’t try to cut — all people know exactly wherein they’re in the queue.

And rather than get pissed off using the inevitability of long wait instances, plan for it.

If you do not, you might end up like I did one afternoon in Viñales, a small city in western Cuba. Though I were warned about Cuba’s interminable strains — and skilled some already — I arrived a little too near last time at the state-owned telecom agency ETSECA, wherein you purchase scratch-off net playing cards.

The line on the workplace became see you later — and the time so close to closing at 4 p.M. — that I became knowledgeable with the aid of an office attendant that the person in the front of me would be the closing to be served. No net for me that day.

2. Bring coins, plenty of it, preferably in euros
2. Bring cash, masses of it, ideally in euros

Unless you need to grow to be begging on the streets of Havana, deliver coins for your holiday. And plenty of it. Credit playing cards and debit cards issued through American banks are not widespread anywhere on the island. Let me repeat that: American credit and debit cards aren’t common everywhere.



If you are coming from Europe or someplace else, there’s an awesome hazard that the ATMs on the airport and predominant visitor locations will receive your card. Still, it is pleasant to double-check along with your bank earlier than the journey. Beware that ATMs in Cuba have massive charges.

Some accommodations, vehicle condo businesses, and institutions run by the government be given credit score playing cards (again, non-American); however, it’s best no longer to count on it. None of the paladares (small circle of relatives-run eating places), casa particular (domestic-remains), or small tourism businesses receive credit scorecards.

ATMs and credit card machines are notoriously finicky in Cuba, and also, you do not need to be stuck with $a hundred for a -week excursion. The satisfactory plan is to carefully budget how much money you watched you will spend on your trip and upload 10% just in case something goes incorrect. Suppose you may deliver the coins in euros. While Cuban foreign money is pegged to the U.S. Dollar, the government fees a 10% penalty when converting greenbacks to pesos.

3. Traveling to Cuba isn’t always that reasonably-priced
3. Traveling to Cuba isn’t that cheap

Most travelers heading to Cuba might be waiting for a dust-cheap excursion, given the island state’s lengthy-troubled economic system.

Think once more.

Cuba has a -tiered foreign money gadget: the Moneda libremente convertible (CUC) and the Moneda Nacional (MN or CUP). In widespread, the CUC, which is pegged to the USA greenback, is used to buy luxury goods. For vacationers, meaning pretty much everything, from the net to motels to food at restaurants.

The CUP, equivalent to CUC using around 25:1, is used ordinarily through Cubans for staple goods like rice, beans, and flour. Obtaining some CUP can be useful for deciding to buy street food and public transportation, which Cubans also pay with CUP. The gadget is meant to preserve requirements reasonably priced for Cubans whilst retaining luxuries pricey.

However, because Cubans running for the authorities are paid their month-to-month salary in CUP, the gadget has driven a huge percentage of Cubans to shirk their day jobs in prefer of running in tourism, where they have the possibility to be paid in CUC and earn a month’s profits in a day. President Raul Castro has stated for years that Cuba will ditch the dual-currency gadget. However, the changeover has yet to take place.

Until then, vacationers are caught paying for the entirety in basically US bucks. While some things can nevertheless be quite reasonably priced — a night at a casa particular runs 25-forty CUC don’t expect to be making it rain. And lest you get ripped off with the aid of a sleazy taxi driver who attempts to give you exchange in CUP forex while you paid with the extra treasured CUC, take into account: CUP have faced the payments, CUC has monuments.

Bonus: Don’t sweat the small stuff
Bonus: Don’t sweat the small stuff

This one isn’t always a lot of a tip as a recommendation of disposition. While Cuba is certainly the safe USA to travel to, there are a seemingly endless amount of scams that a few locals use to fleece foreigners out of as a lot of money as viable. These scams, which run the gamut from something as harmless as traumatic a “finder’s charge” for recommending an eating place or homestay to as brazen as giving you convert in CUP as opposed to CUC, are anywhere. Most will rarely break the bank.

While you should do your studies beforehand on the most commonplace grifts and stay vigilant, if you show up to beat the dropping end, attempt now not to allow it to break your day. You probably have far more money than any common Cuban, and until you are outright robbed, it’s unlikely absolutely everyone will assist you.

About Author

Communicator. Alcohol fanatic. Entrepreneur. Pop culture ninja. Proud travel enthusiast. Beer fan.A real dynamo when it comes to buying and selling sheep in Nigeria. Spent 2002-2007 licensing foreign currency for fun and profit. Spent 2001-2007 selling heroin in the financial sector. Developed several new methods for buying and selling jungle gyms in the UK. Prior to my current job I was investing in pond scum in Hanford, CA. Garnered an industry award while working on jump ropes in Salisbury, MD.